»Fashion as art as fashion. Stabilizing or hacking the global code?«, Lecture given at the Swiss-Institute, April 10, 1999
»Sustainable Practices in the globalized culture society«, Discusses works include Max Almy, Heath Bunting, Mongrel, Knowbotic Research. Lecture given at the conference »Art, Ecology and Sustainable Development«. Symposium und Workshop. Weitere ReferentInnen u.a. Carlos Basualdo, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Alain Lipietz, Ulf Wuggenig. (January 27-29, 2000, Kunstraum Universität Lüneburg
Panel »media art, feminism, and identities, in the framework of US-artist Lynn Hershman's portait at the Feminale Cologne (14. 10. 2000) Participants: Marie-Luise Angerer, Söke Dinkla, Monika Fleischmann, Ruth Noack, Lynn Hershman, Yvonne Volkart
»Netzsplit? Netlink!« lecture given at the conference »Netsplit«, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Transmediale Berlin, February 4-11, 2001 [attachment Gerrman only]
Lecture given at »Future Bodies. The Body I will have been...«, Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, Organized by Marie-Luise Angerer und Zoe Sofoulis, June 28 to July 2001. Abstracts etc: http://www.gender.khm.de/futurebodies