Tenacity. Cultural Practices in the Age of Information- and Biotechnology.
Swiss Institute New York, March 23 - May 6, 2000
Participants: Ursula Biemann, Zürich; Bureau of Inverse Technology; Ricardo Dominguez, New York; Marina Grzinic and Aina Smid, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Natalie Jeremijenko, New York; Kristin Lucas, NY; Diane Ludin, NY; Jenny Marketou, NY; Jennifer and Kevin McCoy, NY; Francesca da Rimini and Michael Grimm, Adelaide, Australia; ®ark, USA; and Cornelia Sollfrank, Hamburg.
Conference: March 24, 2000
2 pm: Introduction: Yvonne Volkart, curator
o Performance: Mayan Technology for the People:
A Zapatista haiku on the question of technology and the politics of intervention,
by Ricardo Dominguez, co-founder of Electronic Disturbance Theater
3 pm: Ways and Weapons
o Lecture by Tim Griffin, Executive Editor of ArtByte magazine
o Statements by Ricardo Dominguez, Natalie Jeremijenko, Jennifer and Kevin McCoy, ®ark, and Cornelia Sollfrank
o Open discussion
4 pm: cyber snack
4:30 pm: Agents and Representations
o Lecture by Toni Dove, electronic media artist
o Statements by Ursula Biemann, Kristin Lucas, Diane Ludin, and Jenny Marketou
o Open discussion
press Release