by reinhard storz


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Arbeiten mit dem Netz und im Netz

  internet surfing club
nasty nets

Surf Clubs specifically served as an outlet for the cultural artifacts that their members excavated from the depths of the web. Nasty Nets was a place for decontextualized animated gifs, midi files, .swfs and other detritus of the web.

Nasty Nets was a "Surf Club" founded in August of 2006. "Surf Club" is a term that has been used to describe collaborative artist-run blog. Understanding the significance of Surf Clubs such as Nasty Nets requires an appreciation for the context that they emerged from. 2006 was the same year that Facebook become accessible to the general public. Massive social platforms were to some extent in their infancy, so this was a time when communities on the web were still organic structures created by the participants.


Aleksandra Domanovic
Christoph Priglinger
Georg Schnitzer
Oliver Laric


Olver Laric: Versions
Guthrie Lonergan: Versions

Aleksandra Domanovic: Turbo Sculpture, 2010


  Navid Nuur:
WWW-Bilder-Suche zum Stichwort:
Bored at the Museum, 20011

ZZZZZZZZapp, 2004

A program broadcasts images which are automatically collected from the links on SPAM mails sent to exonemo.com. Images will be detuned on the process of conversion. It generates miss tune and the sounds which are converted from raw data of the images.

  Beat Brogle:
One Word Movie, 2004
  Marc Lee:
Tv Bot 2.0, 2010

  Eva and Franco Mattes:
The Others

a slideshow video of 10.000 images appropriated from random personal computers.